Fagan v Metropolitan Police Commissioner (1969) established that an unintentional act, such as a car driven onto a policeman's foot, can become an assault if there is a deliberate failure to remove the vehicle, thus combining actus reus (the act) and mens rea (the intent).
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🏛️ Court: Divisional Court 🗓️ JudgmentDate: 31 July 1968 🗂️ Where Reported: [1969] 1 Q.B. 439; [1968] 3 W.L.R. 1120 📍 Jurisdiction: United Kingdom
⚖️ Legal Principles
Continuing Act Doctrine: The court ruled that an act, such as driving a car onto someone’s foot, can be considered ongoing until the offending party removes the vehicle, thus allowing the mens rea to be formed during the act.